Donate items

Sign up to be on our email list.  DFN periodically sends out emails when a specific need for an item arises or if we are hosting a community event.  DFN does not have a storage facility, so we cannot take an item unless there is a client at that time that needs it.


Examples of things we’ve assisted clients with:

Medical expenses
Food (gift card)
Furniture (used and new)
New beds

Donate $

To make a tax deductible donation, visit our Donate page.

Deeds for Needs, Inc. and the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford held a new winter clothing drive

In recent years, we purchased a new bed and bedding for a teenage boy who gave up his bed for his ailing grandfather; helped move an older woman into an independent living facility; and paid a veterinary bill for a beloved service dog.  In years past, we obtained a laptop for a woman confined to bed because of Multiple Sclerosis, helped pay rent for a single mother, delivered furniture and household items for a single mother who immigrated from Israel, and negotiated a reduction in fees for another single mother from Israel whose possession were being held by U.S. Customs.